Friday, September 25, 2015

Dog Raincoats

Until today, we haven't had to take Toto out into the rain to potty. We quickly realized we had a puppy with a severe aversion to rain. Try as I might, our little guy absolutely refuses to step past the front porch out onto the lawn, so naturally I began looking into doggy raincoats and came up with a short list of possibilities. The only thing I'm worried about is "weather" or not he will outgrow what we buy him because we have no idea what his adult size is going to be.

by Push Pushi

1. This doggy jacket might look completely ridiculous, but the more I considered it the more I realized what a great design it is. The raincoat doesn't get in the way of the dog's legs so their mobility isn't hindered, the hood goes over the ears so that they don't lay uncomfortably flat against the dog's head, and it looks pretty easy to put on. Plus it comes in a variety of pretty colors, but the teal one was by far my favorite. A bit pricy, but definitely worth it for the quality. - $39.95 to $49.95

by Pepper Pet Wear

2. This cute little jacket is completely customizable so that it is able to best suit your dog's specific shape and size. While it doesn't protect the head, it covers most of the dog's body and it's lined with linen for added comfort. It also comes with reflectors for people who might walk their dog at night which is pretty neat. All in all, cool raincoat design. - $39.00 to $90.00 (for the really large dogs) 

by Noah's Suitcase

3. This cute raincoat not only has an adorable corduroy collar, but it's completely functional and it includes lots of fun colors. The outer shell is nylon and it has a nice, comfy, cotton lining. This coat in particular fits a variety of small dog breeds. It's rather expensive, but it comes from a reputable seller who has been making these coats for over 20 years! - $65.00 

☂     ☂     ☂

That concludes my short list of doggy raincoat possibilities. Hopefully I'll be getting my ombrophobic puppy one of these classy styles soon! But first things first- his Totoro costume! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Dog Park Fun!

Toto meeting the dogs, tails a wagin'

My boyfriend and I took Toto to the dog park for the first time today. I was a little nervous at first because he's never really been around a lot of dogs before, and he's still pretty tiny. Nevertheless, I really wanted to introduce him to other dogs before he got any older, especially because he's going to meet my parent's chihuahuas this weekend (which I'm very stoked about!).

Toto and his new friend

Our first dog park experience turned out way better than I ever could have anticipated. Not only did all of the humans love him, but all of the human's dogs loved him as well! Toto had a blast running around with the other dogs. He did this really silly thing over and over again where he would try to look behind him towards the dogs chasing him then end up doing a barrel roll. It was too cute for words. I can't wait to go back and hopefully snap a few more photos of him romping around with his new best friends.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Totoro Costume

discovered on ebay

What? What is this? I can't believe this even exists! A Totoro costume for Toto? I honestly can't pass this one up. Once I get a measuring tape tomorrow I'm ordering this for my little sweet pea. He might hate me for it in the end, but I mean... Come on, it's a Totoro costume! I'll be sure to post plenty of pictures!

Maybe for the month of October I'll post cute dog costume finds! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Training Tuesday: Week 1

I've decided to start a little series that follows the progress of Toto's training. Every Tuesday I'll make a post about the things we've worked on together throughout the week. The goal is to look back at my old posts every year to see how far we've come! I'm training Toto by myself, so this will be kind of a big deal for us. I of course do a lot of research on different training methods and I pride myself on using positive reinforcement only training. Canines are our best friends, and that's how they deserve to be treated!

Since this is my first post, I have quite a bit to cover since I adopted him on September 10th. Toto didn't know jack squat on the first day I took him home, and he was pretty sick for the next few days because he had acquired a pretty bad case of kennel cough from the shelter I adopted him from (don't worry, he's up to date on all of his shots!). I was only able to start training him after five or six days of having him when he gained his energy and appetite back, and I quickly realized that I had a pretty intelligent puppy on my hands.

Naturally, the first thing we worked on was the sit down command. I did the whole "lure a treat over his head until his rump hits the floor" tactic which worked surprisingly well. It took several tries, but within 20 minutes he had it down. I've been practicing that pretty consistently and we have it almost perfected. Now all I have to do is raise my arm, make a fist with my hand, and say "sit"- his bottom hits the ground instantaneously almost every time. Of course, there is always room for improvement. The next step is getting him to do the command for friends.

Name Recognition
Something else we've been working on is name recognition. It always irks me when you call a dog's name and they don't respond to it. I think a lot of people don't realize that they have to train their dog to respond to their name. I also believe some dogs are more naturally inclined to respond to their names than others. Toto seems to be one of those naturally inclined ones, though I'm pretty biased if you couldn't already tell. He was always pretty responsive to "Toto" when said in the right pitch and with enough force, but he didn't respond 100% of the time. Right now I've gotten him from about 30% accuracy to 60% accuracy. Those numbers are completely figurative but you get the idea.

Teaching Toto how to recognize his name was a little more complicated than teaching him how to sit, but it was pretty easy once I got the hang of it. I started off by taking him on a walk at the park that we visit the most. Every time he looked at me own his own will (i.e. when I didn't try to call his name or make any noise to get his attention), I would immediately reward him. I did this several times until he got into the habit of checking in with me pretty often. Then, I would anticipate when he was about to turn his head towards me and I would yell, "Toto!" then reward him for looking at me.

I've been doing this type of training almost everyday and Toto has gotten really good at it, but of course there are those times when he happens upon something on the ground that smells really interesting and he seems to suddenly develop a severe case of selective hearing. It's a work in progress. I also need to train him to respond to other people when they call his name. He's pretty decent at responding to my boyfriend, but will blatantly ignore my roommates.

Recall Command
Everyone knows the recall command. You yell, "Toto, come here!" and the dog suddenly looks in your direction, then dashes towards your open arms with a twinkle in his eye. If only dogs were born knowing how to do that, then there would be significantly less lost dogs in this world. The recall command is what makes the difference between a dog who has to be leashed and a dog who's trained enough to be off leash. Toto is really great at this command when he wants to be, but not quite good enough to be off leash in most situations.

To Toto the recall command, we need at least two people. My boyfriend and I first began teaching him the recall command by sitting a few feet apart from each other and yelling "Toto, come here!" while clapping our hands excitedly. We took turns doing this and gave him a treat every time he made it all the way to one of us. The next step was to increase the distance between us, then eventually have two or more people in different rooms yelling "Toto, come here!" in a random order.

Today we took him to a park that had a large field where we could stand a long distance apart from each other and preform the recall command. At first Toto didn't respond because he had to poop. Then he did it a few times before getting disinterested because of some really nice smelling grass. But hey, that's okay, we'll get it eventually!

Tip: Most people that I ask to assist in his recall command training want to ask him to sit before giving him his treat. I suggest that you avoid from doing this because you're just rewarding him for sitting, not coming to you. While people think they can multitask, dogs absolutely cannot!

So that's most of what Toto has learned so far, and I'm extremely proud of him for picking up on things quicker than I ever could have imagined. I definitely picked out a dog that is absolutely perfect for me. There are a couple of things I didn't mention, like his potty training and the "drop it" command, but since this post is already getting pretty lengthy I'll be sure to talk about them next Tuesday! Hopefully there won't be a single little puppy poop found in our house by then. I also wanted to state that I'm in no way a "professional" dog trainer, and that this is just my personal dog training experience with my own puppy. We are both learning a great deal!

Fall is in the air...

Toto all wet from playing in the creek

Since tomorrow is officially the first day of Autumn, I decided to post some fall-esque pictures of our romp together in the woods today. My boyfriend, Toto, and I went to a park we've never been to before and had a great exploring the area. The creek was definitely the best part, and by far Toto's favorite spot. 

Toto and I

The most adorable part of the trip was when Toto went chasing leaves that were floating down the creek. It was too cute. Unfortunately he moved too fast for me to get a decent picture of him on an iPhone. Hopefully if I keep this blog up I'll upgrade to a real camera someday. Maybe I'll ask for one on my birthday and hope someone loves me enough to give me one!

My boyfriend!

Of course my boyfriend got excited when he saw this pipeline over the creek. Perfect for balancing across. I didn't dare try it because my clumsiness would have sent me straight into the water. It made for a great candid picture though! All in all, it was a fabulous day. Goodbye scorching Summer, hello lovely Autumn!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dog Treat Bags

Now that I'm in the business of training a puppy dog, I realized that I have to constantly be able to reward him for his good behavior. Thus, I must have treats readily available to feed him since, you know, he's such a wonderful dog and all- despite the fact that he pooped in two corners of my room this morning, stole my roommate's burrito, and tore up half of all my socks! He's still my little angel.

But I digress. I've been looking into cute, fashionable dog treat holders that make treats easily accessible no matter where I go with my little puppy dog. There are many, many kinds of dog treat holders out there, but most of them are for functionality only and not at all fashionable! I'm on the hunt for amazingly cute, affordable, and functional dog treat holders that will not only make me and Toto look great, but also help me train him to be the perfect dog that I know he will be!

♦ ♦ ♦ 

This dog treat bag by The Eclectic Hound

1. The first kind of treat holder I found is one that clips onto a leash. This would be great if I had a retractable leash (which I have a strong dislike for), but I believe it would make a nylon leash too bulky and awkward to handle. Regardless, I love this style and I could always clip it onto my bag or belt using a cute dog bone shaped carabiner. - $12.00

Poop bag/treat holder made by Sellout Studios

2. A design that I thought seemed particularly useful for a dog treat holder was the lobster claw clip on. Not only does this excellent treat bag feature the clip (which can also be made to loop around things like a bag or wrist), but it also features it's own built-in poop bag dispenser! No carabiner required. I do have a few concerns about storing bags of poop and dog treats in the same bag, but if that's not something that worries you then it'd be a great all in one accessory. - $10.00 or $12.00

Made by Lola Bean International
Products can be purchased on

3. Now this is an adorable dog treat holder. Like the previous pouch, it also has a poop bag dispenser. However, this bag appears to have not one, but two zipper pockets! One could be designated as a treat pocket while the other one is solely for used poop bags. It includes a clip on the back so you can clip it onto a bag or a belt loop. Even the poop bags that come with this pouch are super cute! It also comes in green, orange, and black. - $9.99

Made by SnapDog Designs

4. These treat bags may look simply, but I believe that's what makes them look so chic and modern. They come with either a plastic clip or pin so you can attach it to a belt or to your pants. They have magnetic clasps, and best of all, they come with irresistibly cute paw or bone charms! I'm a fan of the bone charm myself. They are a bit pricier than the rest of the bags on the list, but they sure look well crafted! -$24.99

Made by davir

5. Last but not least, I think this treat bag takes the cake. It comes in four adorable patterns, but I would personally want the orange striped bag. Davir put a lot of time and effort into designing this product. It has two loops on the back that you can use to loop your  belt through, and it also has a handy clip for a clicker or your keys. There are two pouches, one large one for the treats and a smaller one you can put a cellphone, credit cards, or doggy bags in. There's even a cute little loop for a pen! This is the priciest dog bag by far, but definitely my favorite. - $37.00

♦ ♦ ♦ 

That concludes the list of fanciful treat bags I have found so far. If I find any more that I feel like I must share, I'll be sure to post about them in the future. Thanks for reading! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hello there.

My name is Ivy, I'm 20 years old, and this is my first attempt at creating a blog. I adore scrolling through fashion blogs and looking at beautiful pictures that people take of the world around them, so I thought "hey, I could give that a try too and let people look at the photos and posts that I write!" However, I won't be writing or posting many fashion things (but maybe some!).

What I'm truly passionate about are animals (especially dogs!), the environment, art, movies, exploration, cool little trinkets, faeries, and equality. Now I know that is a pretty wide variety of things to blog about, so I'm just going to start and see what feels most natural. Maybe I'll be able to fit all of those things into my daily posts, or maybe some will have to be nixed over time. But hey, that's okay as long as I'm enjoying the whole blogging experience.

I will say this- I adopted a puppy of my very own on September 10th, and most of my posts will probably revolve around him. He's about 4 1/2 months old and a little, furry, bundle of joy. His name is Toto.

If I happen to have any visitors, feel free to say hello!
Thank you,
Ivy xoxo